Headed West

In late June we packed the car up and started a road trip west to hit several places along the way on our journey to the pacific and back. Day 1 was a drive day from Denver to Salt Lake City. In Salt Lake we stopped for the night and made a stop at Oh Mai for my favorite SLC meal. Then it was back to the hotel for swimming and an early bedtime. Day 2 took us from SLC to Sacramento. We stopped at the salt flats near Wendover, UT to take a few photos. I'm a big fan of the big, salty landscape and it's really unlike anywhere else.

The end of day 2 brought us through Reno, Tahoe, and eventually Sacramento. We visited my husband's parents for the next day and enjoyed a break from driving as well as their local produce, which was so good. Day 4 included a drive north to visit our friends in Northern Mendocino county. Their cabin in the woods is fairly remote and was a great stop for all of us. My daughter was ahead of us on her own adventures and we finally got to see her after a few weeks away traveling with family. We enjoyed a chance to explore on the mountain, paddle in the pond, disconnect from the internet, and hang with friends. Day 5 took us through the redwood forest and down to the coast for the night. This part of the trip wasn't necessary, but was a fun detour. I always love any chance to see the ocean. My kids learned just how cold the water near Little River, CA is, even in summer. We rounded out the day with a tasty seafood dinner. And then started our journey back to Sacramento, Salt Lake, and eventually home to Denver in the following days.