Mini Session Highlights
Mini sessions are a great way to get a short session at an inexpensive price. I offer mini sessions a few times a year - usually in the spring and around the holidays. This session took place just after Thanksgiving and featured a bit of snow, which was a beautiful addition to one of my favorite spots in the foothills of Denver. In just 20 minutes, we got so many cute family shots, some great shots of little Kai, and highlighted Maile's little baby bump. I had to laugh because in our messages about the session I was unaware this little family shoot would be key in announcing a new baby arriving in the spring. It was a great surprise and made the session that much more special. Also, as many toddlers do, Kai fell and cut his face just days prior to our session. He had a cut on his cheek that required some glue to fix it up. As requested, a little photoshop magic made his cheek good as new, just as it would be in real life a few days later. I'm always happy to edit out little temporary owies, spots, and blemishes that seem to pop up just as a photo session date arrives.